The Leadership Mindset 12-Week Program

Your Foundation to More Success, Ease & Time 

Join executive coach Darren Kaulius and the Emerging Excellence team in this life changing program where Darren shares his game-changing tools and strategies that will help you find more time and excellence in all areas of your life.


Audra Miller

"When I first started the course, I was frustrated by clients who didn’t do what they said they’d do. I was also struggling with a partnership that wasn’t working. Not only have both of these issues been completely resolved, but I enjoy far more of a work life balance and more energy. I’ve had a boost in clients, better with my time management, and have a renewed sense of peace. LMP has simply been life changing!"

Thrive in ALL Areas of Your Life

The Leadership Mindset Program has proven time and time again to enhance the effectiveness and productivity of executives, managers, parents, community leaders, and business owners in public, private, and non-profit organizations.


What You'll Learn in the Leadership Mindset Program

The Leadership Mindset Program is your step-by step system for getting more success, ease & time.

You’ll learn how to:

  • Dramatically reduce your stress, so you can jump out of the bed in the morning feeling excited for the day ahead
  • Effectively lead others without having to micromanage, or put in longer hours, so you can worry less & be appreciated more
  • Elevate your productivity & effectiveness, so you can lead being your most authentic & confident self
  • Get crystal clear on what’s most important in your life & develop a customized anxiety-free game plan, so you can breathe easy
  • Create a work culture that attracts and retains your ideal team
  • Use our powerful tools to identify self-limiting beliefs that are holding you back from being the best leader you can be
  • Finally, enjoy work-life balance and turn any toxic environment into a supportive one, so you can love what you do and enjoy a peaceful home too

Yes, It Really Is Possible!

By the end of the  Leadership Mindset Program, you’ll have learned how to create space for success in ALL areas of your life.


Get All The Important Dates & Times For the Leadership Mindset Program

We know how important it is to make sure this program will fit into your busy schedule. Click below to get the schedule for the upcoming Leadership Mindset Program. 


Dawn Webster

Senior Manager Legal Operations - Milliman Global  Corporate Services

"Working with Darren has grown me in ways I had not even known to ask for. I am able to reset more quickly and get back to my best, most powerful self. My learnings allow me to not only to manage myself but to support others as well"

What's Included In The Leadership Mindset Program

Two Immersive “Above-the Line Leadership” Weekend 1/2-Day Workshops from the comfort of your home
  • WORKSHOP #1 -Elevate to Influence: The Leaders' Guide to Creating Space for Success
  • WORKSHOP #2 - Difficult Conversation Transformation: Turn Critique into a Catalyst for Team

Learn impactful feedback tools & sharpen your existing leadership strategies to inspire, motivate, and guide your team, or students toward greatness. Foster a supportive “growth-mindset” culture for continuous improvement and achievement. Experience unparalleled clarity & growth, as you engage with the carefully selected exercises and assessments that will uncover your potential challenges and unlock your hidden gifts.

Practice New Leadership Tools with Your Weekly "Accountability Partner”

Unleash your true leadership potential through practical application, in a safe & supportive space. This will then enable you to put the LMP game changing tools (things like “ABQ" & "situational purpose") to work for you in your own life, both at work and home.

Bi-Monthly Feedback from an Emerging Growth Coach

Receive custom-crafted feedback from one of our supportive and skilled coaches. Leverage their astute observations and recommendations, and strategic guidance to fine-tune your communication approach and ensure rapid advancement towards your specific goals.

Four 1-1 Individual “Breakthrough Strategy Coaching Sessions”

Get personalized individual support and attention with one of our hand-picked team of seasoned executive coaches. Benefit from their expertise and personalized strategies tailored to help you solve your unique challenges, so you can conquer your fears and lead with greater confidence, efficiency and renewed motivation.

24/7 Access to LMP Short Weekly Training & Assignments

Designed for busy schedules, embark on a flexible and immersive learning experience, through engaging with weekly video modules. These provide expert-led insights, cutting-edge techniques, and impactful assignments. Apply your learning and achieve extraordinary results when it comes to leading and living a life of ease.

Weekly Q&A Access with Emerging Excellence Head Coach DK

Utilize the mindset secrets of successful executives, managers, teachers and innovative entrepreneurs, and get your burning questions answered. Accelerate your leadership journey with “above-the-line tools" that provide invaluable insights that ultimately, overcome the hidden obstacles that prevent you from leading with ease, efficiency, confidence and effectiveness.

Use "Deep Dive Wins" to Celebrate Your Victories Along the Way

 Place yourself in the best position to gain traction, momentum and experience transformative breakthroughs that...

  • Overcome overwhelm
  • Foster deeper connections
  • Establish profoundly meaningful relationships
  • Make the impact you are meant to make
LMP Graduation Celebration & Certificate

Celebrate your remarkable journey of leadership transformation with an exclusive graduation ceremony. Certification signifies your mastery of the emerging excellence leadership tools, where you experience exceptional growth, and enjoy unwavering commitment to making a profound impact to specific life areas… where you previously struggled, or got only mediocre results.

Invitation to join the “Next Level Community” Monthly calls

Post program, you will be invited to join this exclusive learning community, so you can continue to craft and sharpen your leadership tool set.


I'm Darren Kaulius

Who Is Coack DK?

I have over 7 years of experience as an executive coach. In that time, I’ve helped 200+ executives from companies such as Milliman, Hansbraun Investments Ltd., and Low Entropy Foundation, as well as teachers & entrepreneurs make a significant impact in the world, and inspire their teams and families… without sacrificing their health and wellbeing.

I have an incredible success rate when it comes to helping managers achieve rapid career and financial growth...even if they feel completely overwhelmed and burnt out right now.

In total, my clients have saved over 1,040,000 unproductive hours annually and now get the pay and promotions they deserve. They end up creating the teams of their dreams. They are able to achieve all of this despite believing they had already tried everything before going through the Leadership Mindset Program. 

"Though I've known Darren for only a short time, I've come to view our sessions as incalculably valuable. He's had a profound impact on my career as a Chief Marketing Officer."

- Matthew C

"LMP was excellent! I learned a lot more than I was expecting as a client, and the experience gained as a coach/student has been helpful in defining my own practice and broadening my awareness of different approaches to this work."

- Lee B

"My biggest take away was recognizing the power of supporting others achieve the tiniest goal and how much of a difference it made towards the bigger picture!"

- Colleen K

The Leadership Mindset Program...Now's the Time

You Are Ready To Find More Success, Ease & Time In Your Life?

The Game Changing Leadership System used in the Leadership Mindset Program is a completely new approach to leading your team and achieving sustainable growth. Here’s what it looks like: 

  • First, you clarify the current leadership game you’ve been playing, and the games your team has been playing.
  • Then we change the rules of how you are going to measure success.
  • Then we create new results that you likely can’t even imagine just now, the kind that gives you the work-life you love and deserve.
  • Finally, you'll motivate, inspire and impact others to step into their own emerging excellence.

Book your free Breakthrough Session now, and let me lay this whole thing out for you step-by-step. Isn’t it time to make the difference you were meant to make?